Monday, April 5, 2010


Okay. So here's the deal.

I've posted part of Pearl Edda on Authonomy. It's a website put out by Harper Collins for authors to upload their writing and get feedback from fellow authors.

The uber cool thing is that when my book gets placed on others' virtual bookshelves and receives comments, its ranking gets higher. Once it reaches the #1-5 slot and stays there until the end of the month, Harper-Collins will take a look at it.

Right now it's at 178 (it started at about 1500, so I'm stoked). I've also received 232 comments on it.

Now...I could use your help.

Would you be willing to register at the site, shelve my book and comment on it? If you want to read it while you are there, that is awesome too.

The following is a short blurb:

When you're a seventeen-year-old Montana ranch girl, you can handle pretty much anything. Right?

Well...unless it's the over-the-top gorgeous guy who moves into your sleepy town and propels you into the turbulent world of Norse mythology -- a place where gods reign, giants destroy, best friends lie, and worlds end.

Oh, and where love between humans and gods is forbidden.

Which is a problem.

Especially when you discover what your best friend has known his entire life....

It's geared for 12-18 year old girls, but I've had older (both male and female) people read it and they've liked it.

Click on the novel cover on the left to get to the book online.


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