Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Am Not Shakespeare

Just wanted to put that out there. :)

My eldest had to write an essay on Romeo and Juliet this week. She talked about how hasty every decision in the story was.

Here's the low down:

Romeo and Juliet meet at a party. They talk later that evening, and Juliet asks Romeo to marry her (Do you remember that? I didn't.) They marry the next day. He kills Tybalt. She takes "poison." He kills Paris. Romeo takes poison. He dies. She wakes, sees Romeo dead, and kills herself. All within a week.

Where's the communication here, people?

The whole time, the reader is going, "Just talk to each other, for Pete's (or Romeo's or Juliet's) sake!"

And that's what makes a great story.

Throw in some good fight scenes. Some great language. Some all consuming love.


And you have a classic.


As pointed out before, I am not Shakespeare.

Not in any sense of any illusions. Really, I'm fine with that.

However, my main characters are star-crossed lovers.

She's human.

He's a Norse god.

The Norse world is ending, and they cannot be together.

He has a job to protect the only human girl who survives the end of the world...and it's not her.

He is duty bound, but love struck.

She understands his duty is more important than their love.

What will happen?

Hopefully, readers will find out soon. Hopefully, readers will want to know.

And maybe, just maybe, I have spun a story that warrants reading.

We'll see.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bitter End

Jennifer Brown has done it again!

I received my ARC in the mail last week, but was in the middle of another book, so I didn't get to crack Bitter End open until Sunday.

Here's my review:


Okay, :) here's more:

Ms. Brown has taken another challenging subject -- relationship abuse -- and woven a story that is poignant, tragic, and gut-wrenching.

The story revolves around Alex, a senior in high school, who along with her two best friends (one a girl, the other a guy) is planning a graduation trip out to Colorado (the place her mom was headed before being killed in a tragic accident). But then, Cole starts at Alex's school, and she falls for him.


Everything seems good about this new relationship at first, but little ugly jealousy heads start popping up and Cole starts to do things that go way beyond acceptable. But by the time Alex realizes she's being abused (physically and emotionally), she is so in love with the guy that she starts making excuses for him.

I read way too long into the night last night just to finish it. Trust me, the ending did not disappoint!

Way to go, again, Ms. Brown!

It was really fun to read the credits and see TS Ferguson's name (the editor who just free-lanced my book) there with a big thanks to him. Good job, TS!

Bitter End comes out in May. Publisher's Weekly gave a great review (and starred it) this week. Here's the link, if you're interested:

What's Up with Pearl Edda?

The agent emailed yesterday with a request for the most recent recent recent copy. I sent it last night. Fingers and toes still crossed. Seriously, it is in such a good place right now.

Hope. Hope. Hope.

It still needs a title.

Frost, Edda, and Messing with Fate are the top three choices (at least for me).